Coordinating Public and Private Enforcement in Class Actions


On 19 April 2024, 14.00 - 16.00, Seminarraum 12 Kolingasse 14 – 16, 1010 Vienna, the Department of Civil Procedure and the Department of European, International and Comparative Law will host a talk by Prof. Agustin Barroilhet Diez, University of Chile on the topic of "Coordinating Public and Private Enforcement in Class Actions".

Prof. Burkhard Hess, University of Vienna, will be the discussant. The event is organised and moderated by Ass.-Prof. Florian Scholz-Berger and Ass.-Prof. Lena Hornkohl.

In Europe, the Representative Action Directive gave rise to the discussion on the importance of consumer collective actions again. Prof. Agustin Barroilhet Diez will shed a comparative light on the Chilean experience with consumer class actions so far and places a particular focus on the coordination of public and private enforcement - something to learn from for the expected upcoming surge of representative actions in Europe? Prof. Agustin Barroilhet Diez will discuss the history of the class action procedure, the unexpected changes introduced by a ruling that empowered private enforcers, the subsequent increase in private lawsuits, and the ensuing conflict with the public enforcer in cases were the two meet.

Participation is free of charge.

Registration is requested by 17 April at: